How we set up our Pipedrive account [VIDEO]
If you’re not sure if you’ve set up your Pipedrive account in the best way, then take a look at how the professionals do it! In this video, watch a behind the scenes look at how we use Pipedrive at MinorCo to track our consulting and subscription deals.
Zapier errors and how to troubleshoot them [VIDEO]
If your Zaps don’t work the way they should, how do you go about fixing them? The best thing to do is to go into the task history and follow the chain of events to see what happened. You should see a task that hit an error or filtered out for some reason. You can then view the data to see why the error occurred.
Zapier custom values explained and when to use them [VIDEO]
What are custom values? When should you use custom values in Zapier? That’s what I’m explaining in this video.
Creating systems to support growth with Josh Krueger [PMP #154]
Continue readingIn this episode of the Paul Minors Podcast, I interviewed a client of mine, Josh Krueger, all about his approach to automation and systemising your business. Josh is the founder and CEO of Dotcom Design, a web development and digital marketing agency.
How to use filters in Zapier [VIDEO]
In this video, I share some advice on how and when to use filters in Zapier.
HOW and WHEN to use Zapier Paths [VIDEO]
In this video, I show you how to use Paths to make Zapier do different sequences of tasks based on certain logic. Paths are a great way to avoid duplicating Zaps to do different things. You need to have a Professional plan or higher to use Paths.
Using the Zapier Parser to automate emails [VIDEO]
In this video, I show you how to use the Zapier Parser.
The Zapier formatter explained [VIDEO]
Continue readingIn this video, I show you how to use the formatter built into Zapier.
My 15 favourite (free and paid) productivity tools [PMP #97]
Continue readingI get asked all the time about what apps and tools I use to be more productive and to run my business. And I’m a big fan of using the right tool for the right job instead of overlapping your tools and creating a confusing productivity system (which is why I created my productivity blueprint).